Simple wrapper around an atomic reference to provide a basic functional interface for CAS operations.
Useful if you have some immutable state you want to share between and mutate on multiple threads
package dev.mccue.async;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Simple wrapper over an AtomicReference to provide an API for doing compare and swap operations.
* Modeled after the atom primitive in clojure.
* @param <T> The type of data stored in the atom. This is assumed to be an immutable object.
public final class Atom<T> {
private final AtomicReference<T> ref;
private Atom(T data) {
this.ref = new AtomicReference<>(data);
* Creates an atom wrapping the given data.
* @param data The data to be stored in the atom.
* @param <T> The type of data stored in the atom. This is assumed to be an immutable object.
* @return An atom containing the given data.
public static <T> Atom<T> of(T data) {
return new Atom<>(data);
* Swaps the current value in the atom for the value returned by the function.
* @param f The function to apply to the current value. It is expected that this
* will be a "pure" function and thus may be run multiple times.
* @return The value in the Atom after the function is applied.
public T swap(Function<? super T, ? extends T> f) {
while (true) {
final var start = ref.get();
final var res = f.apply(start);
if (this.ref.compareAndSet(start, res)) {
return res;
* Pair of the new value swapped into an atom and some value that was
* derived in the course of calculating that new value.
* @param <T> Type of the new value.
* @param <R> Type of the derived value.
public record SwapResult<T, R>(T newValue, R derivedValue) {}
* Performs a swap that carries over some context from the computation to the caller.
* For example, a basic usage would be to return some whether a value was inserted into a map.
* <pre>{@code
* sealed interface PlayerJoinResult permits AlreadyInGame, Success {}
* record AlreadyInGame() implements PlayerJoinResult{}
* record Success(String playerId) implements PlayerJoinResult {}
* // ...
* final var playerId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
* final var gameAtom = Atom.of(Map.empty());
* final var swapResult = gameAtom.complexSwap(game -> {
* if (game.contains(playerId)) {
* return new ComplexSwapResult<>(game, new AlreadyInGame());
* }
* else {
* return new ComplexSwapResult<>(game.put(playerId, new Object()), new Success(playerId));
* }
* });
* if (swapResult.derivedValue() instanceof AlreadyInGame) {
* return "Oh no!";
* }
* else {
* return "hooray";
* }
* }</pre>
* @param f The function to apply to the current value. It is expected that this
* will be a "pure" function and thus may be run multiple times.
* @param <R> The type of the context attached to the final result.
* @return A pair of the new value put into the atom and the derived value from the
* computation of that new value.
public <R> SwapResult<T, R> complexSwap(
<? super T, SwapResult<? extends T, ? extends R>> f
Function) {
while (true) {
final var start = ref.get();
final var res = f.apply(start);
if (this.ref.compareAndSet(start, res.newValue())) {
return new SwapResult<>(res.newValue(), res.derivedValue());
* Resets the value in the atom to the given value.
* @param data The new value to be stored in the atom.
* @return The new value stored in the atom.
public T reset(T data) {
return data;
* @return The atom's current value.
public T get() {
return this.ref.get();
public String toString() {
return "Atom[value=" + this.get() + "]";