Code generation with annotation processors

by: Ethan McCue

Java does not allow annotation processors to affect the source or bytecode of classes you have written, only generate new classes.

In Java 17, there is a clever way around this restriction though.

Lets say you want to make an annotation processor that adds a toJson method to a class based on some automated set of rules.

public record BasicThing(String color, String size) {}

What you can do is generate an interface with a predictable name

interface BasicThingToJson {}

Make it "sealed", so that only the class you want to can implement it

sealed interface BasicThingToJson permits BasicThing {}

And then inside of the interface you can add a default method, in which it is safe to assume that the only possible class that implements the interface is the class you want to

sealed interface BasicThingToJson permits BasicThing {
    default JSON toJson() {
        // totally safe
        var self = (BasicThing) this;
        var jsonObject = new JsonObject();
        jsonObject.set("color", self.color());
        jsonObject.set("size", self.size());
        return jsonObject;

And then all your user has to do is

  1. Annotate their class
  2. Implement the interface that will be generated (its kinda circular, but it works out)
public record BasicThing(String color, String size) implements BasicThingToJson {}

And then boom, their class has been "enriched" in whatever way you want.

var basicThing = new BasicThing("red", "small");
var json = basicThing.toJson();

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